Three Essential Roof Maintenance Tips

Flat roof drains

As global warming and inclement weather rises, homeowners must become more and more diligent about the state of safety and quality of their roof. As a homeowner, spotting damage before it’s too late is essential to protecting your home and family and to save you from the costs of undergoing a total re-roofing project. Did you know that it can take more than two weeks to replace a damaged roof, and can cost thousands of dollars?
Now who has time for that inconvenience?
Luckily, by following these preventative measures and roofing maintenance procedures, the chances of your roof incurring damages will be significantly decreased.

Tip No. I: Take a Walk
Though it may sound simple, one of the best ways to see if your roof is damaged is by simply taking a walk around your home regularly and by checking the foundation for pieces of broken shingles scattered across the ground. If you find shingles, it’s likely that your roof has incurred damage.

Tip No. II: Check for Leaks
A great way to tell whether or not your roof is damaged is by examining the areas of your house that are most susceptible to leaks. To determine if your roof is leaking, check the attic for any water damage, visible puddles, or mildew or mold. Not only are leaks uncomfortable and unsanitary, but they pose serious infrastructural threats to your roof and home. In the case of finding a leak, call a roofing repair company immediately.

Tip No. III: Call the Professionals
Although personal roof maintenance is important and feasible, never be ashamed to call upon a professional commercial roofing solutions company to thoroughly inspect your roof. According to experts, you should have commercial roofing solutions services at least once per year to inspect the integrity of your roof.

While it may seem like much, practicing regular roof maintenance has the potential of extending your roof’s shelf life up to over ten years.

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