Are You Preparing to Build a Clean Sound Environment?

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Details always matter. The fact that you take the time, for instance, to install sound absorbing ceiling panels means that acoustics matter to you. The fact that you take the time, for instance, to put in soundproof wall panels and specific suspended ceiling tiles means that you are as careful about the sound that you hear in your studio as you are in the quiet that others are still able to enjoy. As an increasing number of industries realize the advantages, and almost necessity, of clean sound environments, the wall and ceiling manufacturers continue to develop and perfect their products. From high school and college band rooms to the use of sound insulation panels for airline industries, the use of acoustic building products continue to expand.
The use of sound absorbing ceiling panels and about specifically engineered acoustic materials are being used by schools, health care facilities, airline and car manufacturers, as well as the music industry. And while there may have been a time when the importance of sound was only the focus of sound engineers in music and television industries, being able to use these soundproofing advancements to create a more clean environment for their customers and workers alike.
Consider some of these applications of the sound engineering and the latest products that have been manufactured:

  • People working as musicians in the year 2014 reached 173,300.
  • Estimates indicate that 13% of people in the U.S., which accounts for 30 million, who are age 12 years or older has hearing loss in both ears.
  • According to statistics from 2014, 40% of musicians and singers were self-employed. These self-employed Americans may be especially susceptible to hearing loss as they might not be working in professionally designed spaces.
  • Construction of a sound proof room begins with paying attention to the latest products that have been developed like sound absorbing ceiling panels.
  • Eestimates show that 15% of Americans, which accounts for 26 million people, between the ages of 20 and 69 have high frequency hearing loss caused by exposure to noise at work or during leisure activities.

  • Active employment of singers and musicians is projected to grow 3% from 2014 to 2024, a growth rate that is slower than the average for all occupations.
  • No one level of approach works alone when it comes to the process of soundproofing a room. In fact, that best way to accomplish this task is through the use of a combination of four tactics: adding mass, damping, decoupling, and filling air gaps.
  • Decibels is the standard measurement of sound. When, for instance, 85 decibels is reached this is a noise level that can put people at risk of hearing loss if the exposure occurs for a prolonged period of time. Loud manufacturing environments, for instance, benefit from the use of acoustic materials that can help absorb sound.

  • Quiet spaces are conducive to learning and relaxation, as well as to the professional recording of music.
  • Unless you have actually been in a soundproof room, you probably do not understand the advantages to being in a space that is free from distractions and interruptions, no matter how loud or soft they are.
  • In many cases, even community noise can be detrimental to health. Cardiovascular problems and learning deficits are two of the adverse health effects that can be caused by community noise. Studies indicate, in fact, that the incidence of heart disease increases in locations where community noise levels rise above 40 decibels.
  • Every detail can contribute to the environment that you create. In fact, every surface partially hinders sound waves going from one room to another. Known as the 1% Rule, this theory states that for every 1% of opening or unobstructed area of a surface, 50% of the sound will make it through.
  • The best time to pay attention to acoustics or the elimination of sound is during the building process. Additions can be made later, but it is more efficient and cost effective to address these sound issues from the earliest plans for building and construction.

In addition to the PEACE AND QUIET that can be provided by installing sound absorbing ceiling panels, many carefully engineered products are making their way into a variety of ways for a variety of purposes.

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