Radon mitigation and abatement service is a complicated topic, but they’re an important one. The radioactive gas, radon, is a naturally occurring gas found in some homes, which can be a severe and dangerous health risk if found at high levels. Because of this, it’s essential to understand what radon is and how to deal with it.
What Is Radon?
Radon has no color nor smell and can be present in your home. This deadly gas is formed when uranium breaks down in the soil, water, and bedrock below the house, usually over a long period. Radon can be released from the ground and accumulate in homes if there are cracks in the soil or bedrock.
If you have a basement, you may be at a greater risk for radon exposure because it can seep up through the floor or cracks in the foundation, and often enters homes through cracks and gaps around basement walls.
However, you may be at risk even if your home has no basement. It can even be found in newer homes in the city or in houses built on a slab.
Is Radon a Health Risk?
Yes, radon is a severe health risk because it can cause lung cancer. In fact, radon gas is the culprit and attributes to around 20,000 cases of lung cancer every year, as stated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), and that the risk of getting the disease is increased by around 16% per every 100 Bq/m of long-term average radon concentration exposure.
There are no immediate symptoms, so you could be breathing in and exposed to high levels of radon without even knowing it. The EPA says that exposure to radon over a long period of time can cause lung cancer.
This is why you need radon mitigation and abatement service because the only way to detect it is through radon gas testing.
What Is the Acceptable Level of Radon?
The acceptable level of radon that EPA set is at an action level of 4 picocuries per liter of air and a health-based target level of no more than 2 picocuries per liter of air. They also say that if you’re buying a house, you should do local radon testing first. Most states require sellers to disclose if a home has a radon problem — high levels of radon that are above the action level — but it’s still a good idea to test for radon again.
Do You Need To Test Your Home for Radon?
Yes, it’s an excellent idea to test your home for radon. Not only is testing crucial for your safety, but it’s also required by some states.
It can also help you get a lower rate for your home insurance. You could actually save money because you can take steps to get rid of high levels of this deadly gas early on.
It’s the only way to know if you have a problem with radon and find ways of fixing it with radon mitigation and abatement service. You’ll want to get it solved as soon as possible because it can be dangerous for you and your family.
If you’re going to test for radon, you should do it every year, but you should perform it more often if you:
- Are building a new home
- Are n the process of renovating your house
- Have a home that’s built on soil relatively low in uranium
- Have a basement, slab foundation, or crawl space
- Live in an area where the bedrock is close to the surface
- Live in a radon potential zone
- Have had major construction done in the basement or slab
The EPA recommends testing for radon every two years, especially if you’ve lived in your home for two years or more or had a water heater or furnace installed in the last few years.
Get Rid Of Radon Today
The only way to reduce the radon levels in your home is by taking the necessary steps as soon as possible. If you live in Denver radon mitigation can help you mitigate or abate radon. Most radon testing kits are easy to use, but it’s still best to have radon mitigation and abatement service experts perform the work for you if you think you may have a radon problem.