With winter comes all sorts of romantic ideas. You have delicious food, snowy weather and, of course…plumbing installations.
Instead of taking this as a chore, think of it as a way to save money and increase your comfort when the weather takes a turn for the worse. Do you have a leaky faucet that won’t stop dripping no matter what you do? Perhaps you’re wondering why your bills only seem to get higher by the month. There are a lot of good questions you can bring to the attention of local plumbing services this year, with all of them having the potential to save you some green. Take a look below and consider how you can make the most out of this box on your checklist.
The holidays wait for nobody!
Cracked Pipes
Here’s an issue you’ll want a professional eye on. Cracked pipes can cause you a host of frustrating problems, from leaks that won’t quit to high costs that catch you off-guard. An old house likely has pipes that just aren’t up to snuff anymore, particularly if it recently hit the three or four decade mark, and is a surefire sign you could use a check-up. Indoor plumbing dates all the way back to 2,500 B.C., yet many homeowners today are still unaware of how to bolster the efficiency of their home. What else can plumbing installations do for you?
Leaky Faucets
It’s time to stop ignoring that faucet. It may seem innocuous now, but you’re setting your bills up for failure by letting it run its course. Over 10% of American homes today have leaks wasting dozens of gallons of water every day. Fixing these easily corrected household leaks, on the other hand, can save you 10% or more on your monthly bill. How’s that for saving? Leaks can be caused by cracked pipes or a deeper issue, too, and you’re better off not letting that get worse.
Low Flush Toilets
Here’s an interesting way you can save money. Consider installing a low-flush toilet. There are over 25 million low flush toilets installed around the country, with the EPA recently releasing a statement that the average household can save up to $100 a year with a low flush toilet. Plumbing installations are not just getting faster, but more clever, and 2018 could be the year you take advantage of them all in one go. For those that have septic tanks, this last one is for you.
Clogged Tanks
Septic disposal is an art form. Sadly, not all homeowners have mastered it. Household septic tanks are usually pumped every three to five years, though this can change depending on the family size and any outside factors. These include the frequency of septic pumping, the size of your tank and how many volumes of solids are in the wastewater. The average indoor water use for a single-family home is 70 gallons of water per individual. When in doubt? Let plumbers sort it out.
Saving Money This Holiday Season
You’ve got presents to buy and places to go. Don’t let a leaky pipe or clogged septic tank take that away from you. Energy conservation and a smoothly running home can be yours and then some when you reach out to local plumbing installations and ask for their special deals. You can save more money with a low flush toilet (which can reduce clogs, too). You can finally shave off some of your costs by replacing the pipework beneath your home’s old foundation. You can even breathe easy knowing you’re not watching your money literally go down the drain because of a leaky faucet.
Enjoy the holidays the right way. Look into grease disposal or faucet repair and put a smile on your face early.