This vacation changed everything.
After dreaming for years about a family trip to Greece, you finally achieved your goal. Your family of four, including one 21 year old daughter who just graduated from college and one 18 year old daughter who just graduated from high school, will have memories to last a lifetime. You walked through ancient ruin, enjoyed spectacular sunsets, and spent hours laughing together and enjoying each other’s company. You played cards, retold favorite stories, talked about the future, and relaxed on beaches. You hiked on dusty trails, sat on crowded buses, and sailed on oceans. In addition to all of the memories, however, you also have thousands of photos. And while there were many spectacular differences about this infamous country across the sea, one of the most forgettable was the lighting. Perhaps, in fact, it is the lighting that changed everything. From the early evening walks through the shops to the late morning breakfasts at the tavernas.
As an avid photographer, in fact, you simply could not quit taking pictures. You snapped shots of old wooden doors, bright blue domes, and even the sidewalks. In addition to the normal photos that you find yourself taking of the girls, you also found yourself stopping at signs and looking at laundry. The reflection of the lights bouncing off the ocean and the white washed buildings created images that were meant to be captured. Even the absence of roadway lighting on some of the evening walks created a glow that was difficult to ignore.
Electricians Offer a Number of Products That Help People Create the Most Beautiful Spaces
Even when you are not vacationing with your family in Greece or some exotic location, it is okay to want to make sure that you have the best lighting. And while electricians and designers may pay special attention to lumen maintenance and other ratings that help you know if you are getting the most value for your fixtures, it is important if you simply want to know if the lighting in your home will cast you and your family in the best light. Fortunately, with the latest research about lumen maintenance and other electrical features, it is easy to make sure that you are getting the lighting that you want for the most affordable prices and best investments.
Nikola Tesla may have demonstrated induction lighting as far back as the late 1890s, but we humans are still obsessed with creating exactly the right lighting options for every part of our lives. And while Tesla could have likely never known that every single bulb purchase is now considered because of its lumen maintenance and other technical information, it is important to realize that light will always change the way we look at things. Lighting may account for as much as 11% of energy use in residential buildings and 18% in commercial buildings, but it 100% effects the way we see our world. In Greece and at home.