Nearly 48 million Americans rely on private wells for their water. The Water Quality Associatiom has estimated that about 40% use a home water treatment system to keep out the 2,100 known contaminants that can be present in tap water. Many people find water well chlorination systems to be very effective ways to keep their water safe for drinking and bathing.
Some people rely on filters on the different taps in their home but full home water well chlorination systems are much more effective. A shower head filter, for example, is really only effective at very high temperatures. Whole water filtration systems ensure all the water in the house is safe. And everyone wants to have a healthier shower.
If you are concerned about your water, the first step is to have it tested. You should have your water tested for contaminants that are dangerous such as bacteria but also for heavy minerals. Iron in water is not dangerous to your or your family’s health but it can hurt your plumbing. Iron water filters will extend the life of your plumbing but also your appliances. Coffee makers are particularly sensitive to iron. Iron laden water can also have a bad smell or taste. Hard water, that is full of minerals, is very bad for plumbing and will reduce its efficiency by nearly 50%. Too much manganese will stain everything in its path including water fixtures and laundry.
If bacteria is found in your water, one of the best things to do is use a chlorine injection system for well water. Chlorine will kill any bacteria present in your water. If you live in an area where a certain bacteria is common, you should look into water well chlorination systems to keep that bacteria from returning.
Shock chlorination is called for when dangerous bacteria is found in household water. Chlorine is added to the water and allowed to remain for 12 to 24 hours. This will kill anything living in your water. Because this is not as simple as pouring some chlorine in your water and then leaving, there are other steps involved and it can get complicated depending on your well and your situation, a professional filtration company should be consulted before attempting this treatment. If it is done incorrectly, it can cost more in the long run than just going with a professional company to do it right the first time.
Water is essential to life on this planet. If a person is healthy, they can drink up to 48 glasses of water each day. Americans go through approximately 346,000 gallons of water each day. While bottled water is popular, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the water you and your family bathe in. Water well chlorination systems can protect the entire house.