The Great Recession of the mid-2000’s sent a series of devastating economic and financial shock waves through the United States, many of which still have lingering effects. Though the Recession has faded into memory, remembering it’s devastation can still be quite painful. The aftermath of the Recession left a lasting impression on the hearts and check books of Americans, many of which of lost their homes and their jobs at its height.
As such, it should come as no surprise that the Recession not only impacted the real estate market, it changed the way homeowners view their properties. The Recession not influenced buyer behavior, but it also positively influenced homeowner’s attitudes towards their own homes. The lasting effect of this impression on homeowner’s attitudes have led to a growing majority of homeowner’s choosing to improve their current homes rather than sell their homes and move to a different property.
Did you know that as of now, more than half of homeowner’s agree that it’s a good time to perform a home remodeling project? This sentiment is reflected in the record sales experienced by home improvement retail giants such as Home Depot and Lowe’s, both of which are happy to ride out the boom. The United States has truly become renovation nation.
This is precisely why kitchen remodeling has been thrust back into the limelight of the home renovation scene. Running neck and neck with bathroom design and bathroom remodeling, kitchen remodeling projects are among the most commonly requested home improvements in the United States, and it’s easy to see why. Aside from the bathroom, Americans spend the majority of the time in their home in the kitchen.
Now that kitchen remodeling is back on the minds — and on the checkbooks — of American homeowners across the country, so too is custom kitchen design. Similar to custom bathroom design, custom kitchen design is a growing niche within the kitchen remodeling scene that focuses on identifying and catering to the individual needs of the customer, which can vary drastically.
For example, a kitchen remodeling project for a homeowner that enjoys cooking for and entertaining large amounts of guests will look a lot different that one for a bachelor who is rarely home. After all, Burger King isn’t the only place where you can have it your way, and that’s where custom kitchen remodeling projects come into play.