Even before the freezing temperatures, the holiday that celebrates candy and costumes, and all of the leaves fall from the trees, there are many parts of the country where flu season has already arrived. And while it may seem like this is a little too early to be making the appointment, it is likely time for you to get a flu shot for everyone in your family.
Whether you are a teacher who is exposed to the sniffles and coughs of a classroom full of children every day or you are a health care worker who is responsible for helping others feel their best, it is important to make sure that you get an annual flu shot to protect both yourself and your family.
Finding a Way to Age at Home Is Not Always Easy
From flu shots to regular physicals, there are many ways that preventative health care can help you be your best self. And even if you are nervous about making that appointment to get your annual mammogram, it is important to make sure that you are taking all of the steps that are necessary to get the help that you need to prevent much bigger problems further down the road.
What are you doing this week to help yourself be your healthiest self next week? Next month? Next year? Unfortunately, even though most of us know what we need to be doing to stay healthy, we do not follow through on the things like eating healthy foods and getting the right amount of exercise. In a nation that is placed by obesity, there are too many of us that put instant gratification ahead of the concern that we should have for being our very best selves. And when it comes to planning for our long term future health, challenges are even greater.
If, for instance, you are looking for a way for yourself or a parent or grandparent to remain in their own home it is important to think of all the possible options. From working with a residential elevator installation company to deciding to move into a ranch home, there are ways that a home can be more accommodating to older people, but many of these plans need to be made in advance.
For instance, a residential elevator installation company offers a number of products that can work in a wide range of settings, but they are costly. The best way to make the most of these residential elevator installation company options is to install residential lifts sooner rather than later. Too often, these residential elevator installation company options are only decided on as a last resort. This leads to a big investment that, in the end, might not get many years or use. Fortunately, there are elevator company options across the country who can help you proactively think about how a space might be used as you or a loved one age.
Many of us think about commercial elevator installation, but few realize that there are chair lifts and small elevators that are perfectly designed for residential use. Statistics show that collectively, U.S. elevators make 18 billion passenger trips per year. And while the majority of these trips occur in commercial buildings and government offices, there are also a growing number of people who realize the benefits of a home elevator installation. In fact, the latest statistics show that more than 10,000 residential elevators are being installed every year.
Just as flu shots help you prepare for the short term future of your health, there are also many kinds of home modifications that can help you create a home where you or a loved one can remain even at an older age. Finding a way to navigate the different levels of a home is one major consideration to make if you want to be able to age in place. There are five primary types of elevators that can vary in size and capacity: passenger, freight, Limited Use/Limited Application (LULA), home, and personnel. Given that the vast majority of elevators are located within commercial, retail, or residential properties with an average rise of 40 feet, representing four to five floors, it should come as no surprise that there are some home owners who are exploring their options.