It started out as a simple conversation about new patio furniture, but it turned into something much bigger. Your husband jokes that it is a little bit like the children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. He simply offered to go look for the new patio furniture but before you knew it you were also looking at the options for rebuilding the deck. One thing let to another and before it was over you had not only redesigned and rebuilt the deck, but you had also replanted some of the backyard landscaping.
It took a little longer than you planned, but the patio furniture looks great, as does the new deck and the redesigned landscaping.
Outdoor and Indoor Furniture Designs Can Help You Update All of Your Living Spaces
When was the last time that you spent either time or money updating your home? As the summer months arrive, many Americans are hoping to spend their evenings outside having a leisurely dinner. And while many people have a patio or deck that are ready to go, many others are looking for updates like new patio furniture that is easy to clean and easy to maintain.
The way that your furnish your living spaces speak volumes about you. A well designed and current outdoor furniture set, for instance, lets your friends and family know that you value your surroundings and take the time to make things look both comfortable and classic.
Although many people take the time to carefully decorate their indoor living spaces, the decision to make sure that you pay attention to the furniture that you use outside is an indication that you really pay attention to all of your surroundings. With the latest easy to care for furniture, additions to your front porch or back patio can add color and comfort to your outdoor space without creating a lot more work for you.
As showrooms across the country fill with options for casual outdoor furniture choices, it may be time for you to start on the process of updating your soon to be used outdoor spaces.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the interior home decorating industry and how these trends are working their way into outdoor spaces as well:
- Realizing that attention to detail matters, many homeowners think about everything when they update their spaces, including window coverings in four season rooms.
- Enjoying some spaces requires the help of special planning. For instance, when completely closed and lowered on a sunny window, highly reflective blinds are able to reduce heat gain by close to 45%.
- A Harris Poll for the National Association of Landscape Professionals survey conducted among 2,034 U.S. adults who are 18 and older, indicate that 75% of Americans feel it is important to spend time outside in their yards.
- Do you have your outdoor locations furnished and updated so that you can enjoy a meal outside whenever you want?
- Yearly sales totals for the U.S. home furnishings market generate as much as $44.36 billion.
- Furniture is typically the third most expensive item a person will ever buy. The first two are a house and a car.
- Outdoor furniture can provide a gathering place for meals, evening gathering locations, and long summer days.
- Realizing that outdoor furniture often needs to be stored inside during the winter months means that you have to plan for this needed storage space.
- Sofas can have a lifespan of seven to 15 years, so it is important to select a style and design that you really like. And while not all outside furniture may have that long of a life, those selections need to be made carefully as well.
- Until you spend the time to make your outdoor space comfortable you will likely not use it as often as you might like.
- Millennials are important consumers. In fact, their share in 2012 was a mere 14%, but by 2014 Millennials comprised 37% of all households buying furniture and bedding. This makes them the largest generation buying.
- Most outdoor meals encourage families to relax and enjoy a longer meal and conversation time.
- Everyone loves a meal on the deck, away from the traditional kitchen or dining room tables.
- Ready for summer? Maybe some new outdoor furniture pieces will help you make the transition!