4 Ways to Reduce Your Summer Cooling Bill

It’s no secret that particularly hot summers can leave you with an exaggerated cooling bill. That’s why you should enlist the assistance of HVAC contractors in your area to help you keep your bills manageable. They’ll know a number of solutions that you can use, including investing in high efficiency condensers. They’re also more than likely to know the best AC compressor brands, and they can guide you to make a decision that will serve you well for a long time to come, making it a great investment. It’s important to be informed about your air conditioner as well, and you can do this with a few simple internet searches.


One of the searches that you can do online is, “Do old AC units use more electricity?” and another one is, “What is a good EER rating for an air conditioner?” When you know the answers to these questions, it can be easy to maintain your unit. That’s because you’ll know the frequency with which to get maintenance done, as well as what’s likely to be wrong based on observations that you make. Remember that prevention is better than cure, and with regular maintenance, you can prevent major breakdowns that will leave your home uncomfortable as you wait for help.

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Today we might take advantage of our ability to get relief from the heat, but it wasn’t always this way. In 1993, less than seven in ten residential homes had access to air conditioning installation. Earlier than that during the Great Depression, it was even harder to stay cool in your house — people actually went to movie theaters because they used air conditioning maintenance services and when customers were watching movies they could stay comfortable and cool.

Heating and cooling your home can be very expensive, so it’s good to learn about some tips that can aid in reducing your cooling bill in the summer. According to the website HomeAdvisors.com, the average cost of central air conditioning units in the United States is anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000. The cost depends on the quality of the unit, and some higher end models can be even more expensive than that. For anyone who currently has an air conditioning system in their home and lives somewhere that has hot summer weather, it’s important to have a top of the line system that will keep you and your family cool. The drawback of this is the high cost, so it’s helpful to learn about reducing your cooling bill in the summer and staying cool at the same time. Here are some tips and tricks on how to do just that.

1. Only use air conditioning in part of your home

    1. It can be very expensive to cool every single room in your home, and one of the best ways to cut down on this cost is by only cooling the rooms in which you spend the most time. If you want to cut off some rooms in your home so the air conditioning only reaches them, you should hang up a sheet, blanket or curtain to block the airflow from leaving these areas. This will contain the air flow and save you money in the long run.

2. Turn the air off during the day

    1. The air conditioner should only be running if you or someone else is home, because if no one is there you are wasting money by paying for expensive cooling costs that aren’t immediately serving anyone. If someone is home all the time, you should try turning off the cool air for three to four hours each day, because this will give your air conditioner a much needed break.

3. Make sure your air conditioner works properly

    1. If you live somewhere that has a long winter, this means your air conditioning unit is not used for several months at a time.

You should call your local air conditioning repairman to have him inspect the unit

    1. at the beginning of each summer season. An air conditioner that is broken needs to work harder to produce cool air and it will cost more than traditional units that are in top working condition.

4. Invest in thick light blocking curtains

    1. Cool air can escape through the windows very easily, which means that you are spending money on cooling systems that you are literally throwing out the window. Buy some heat and light blocking curtains to keep costs down.


Do you have any tips on reducing your cooling bill in the summer? What are the best things someone should do to make sure they don’t waste money on air conditioning but they are still able to stay cool? We would love to hear your experience, so please share your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Find more.


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