Updated 08/04/22
You may be shocked after conducting an energy audit that there are loopholes that will cut the energy costs considerably when covered. Moreover, going the sustainable way doesn’t have to be expensive. You may opt for solar panel installation on your roof and weatherproofing your windows. Depending on your budget, there are numerous ways to go around various sustainable options.
People who add solar power to houses benefit significantly. At first, the question of what is the difference between solar energy and electricity will come up before deciding if adding solar panels is great for you or not. Moreover, adding solar power to homes can serve other purposes besides lighting. Solar energy can heat water in the bathroom and provide heated water for farm activities.
Depending on your need, there are several options from which you can choose. Another sustainable option is ensuring adequate insulation in your floors, walls, and ceilings. Also, selecting the right air conditioning system and light will significantly help cut energy costs. Another excellent solution is to use alternative fuel solutions such as electric engines and biofuel. Also, you can invest in different areas to ensure your property is sustainable. If your contractor runs sustainable options by you, don’t dismiss them.
People are finally becoming hip to how advanced solar energy has become. Homeowners and businesses everywhere are starting to take advantage of solar power, one of the best practices for renewable energy in the world today. A solar PV system is now installed every four minutes in America, and in a few years there will be one installed every 20 seconds.
You’ll want to hop on the solar bandwagon while it’s still fairly empty. However, it is important to know about the different types of solar panels before you make a purchase. Here are the most three common variations and some quick facts about them to help you decide which solar panels are the best for you.:
Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells:
- If
solar power cost is the most important thing to you
- , these may not be your best option. However, mono solar cells have the highest efficiency rate and are made of the highest-grade silicon. They also last the longest and tend to perform better than their counterparts in low-light conditions.
Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells:This is the type with the lowest individual solar panel cost
- . The process of installation is also much simpler and cheaper as less silicon is wasted than with mono solar cells. Poly solar cells are good for businesses as you need a large surface area to get the most efficient performance possible from these solar panels.
Thin-Film Solar Cells (TFSC):
- These panels are more for commercial buildings as they have very low-space efficiency. However, they are completely uniform and homogeneous in appearance, and mass-producing them is simple, usually leading to low costs. Because of their thinness and flexibility, they sometimes wear down sooner than other types of solar panels.
The average cost of solar panels has decreased by about 80% since 2008, so there’s never been a better time to invest in this amazing technology for your home or business. Consider these great options and explore other types of solar panels that may also be a good fit for you.