If you live in an area prone to floods, or one which is under sea level, you know just how important it is to protect your home from water damage. Flooding repair is costly, and approximately 14,000 people every day in America suffer water damage either at home or at work that requires home repairs that can eat away at savings. Is water proofing for your home even possible? One possible answer is house raising.
What is House Raising
Maybe you’ve heard of house raising Mexico Beach FL, or in Louisiana, or in the coastal areas of Texas. What is it, exactly? Home lifting is a complex but effective process that removes a structure from its original foundation and places it on an elevated platform.
What Does House Raising Do?
Whether you’re searching online for “house raising Mexico Beach FL” or “home raising Galveston TX,” you’ll get the same answer: this is your home’s best shot at staying up and out of the flood waters. There’s no better protection available. Every foot your raise the home is a foot less chance that you’ll experience damaging flooding, and the space beneath the structure can be left open or used for something else.
Are There Any Other Benefits?
Water damage and mold issue are costing the nation’s insurance industry about two and a half billion dollars every year. When water has damaged a home, the average cost for repairs runs to nearly $7,000. Not only can raising your home potentially keep you from ever having to deal with repair costs; it can significantly slash your flood insurance premiums, too.
Is House Raising Really Worth the Cost?
And search for house raising Mexico Beach FL, coastal Massachusetts, or Outer Banks NC will reveal that this procedure is most definitely an investment. Is the investment worth it? Floods are the most common natural disaster other than wildfires, and a flash flood can bring a sudden wall of water at your home as high as 10 or even 20 feet. A sheet of drywall with even one half of an inch standing in water will act as a wick, sucking up six inches of water in under three hours. Once everything is wet, it takes only 24 to 48 hours for the mold to start growing, and mold is even harder to get rid of than water.
Every year, almost 40% of the remodeling jobs that a general contractor or residential construction company takes on will be due to property damage. You can greatly reduce your chance of ever having to deal with flood damage, and slash your insurance costs, by having your house raised. If you live in an area prone to floods, consider protecting family, your home, and your investment by raising your home up out of the reach of damaging floods.