Are you looking for beautiful landscaping that your neighbors are sure to gawk at, and sure to make you happy each and every time you wander into your backyard? Luckily, we have options for you as professional landscapers who have been in the business for quite a few years. We are a landscaping company who loves to offer you landscaping tips. Today we want to discuss how important landscaping is to a variety of communities and statistics on various elements that you may find or consider for in your yard.
Landscaping is important to a variety of people living in a closely knit neighborhood. Among residents who live in retirement communities, for instance, half of residents believe that landscaped grounds were important or essential. For those who want to possibly sell their home one day, proper landscaping is important as well. According to a Clemson University study, you have a 6-7% rise in your home’s value if you are looking to sell your home and have excellent, efficient landscaping. This means that buyers are out, and they’re currently looking at yards as well as houses. This isn’t the only reason why landscaping is preferred, though. Statistics also show that there are many benefits to having landscaping in your yard, at least on some level.
The U.S. Department of Energy has found that the most energy-efficient landscaping can save up to 30% on your home heating bills. Landscaping also speeds up a building’s overall chance of selling by as much as 6 weeks! And now let’s focus on why having the best trees in your yard is so important: Trees are known to keep our homes and ourselves shaded when we’re outside. But did you know that trees can actually reduce an unshaded home’s summer AC costs by 15-50%? That’s not all trees are good for. The densest trees have also been found to block 95% of sunlight and 75% of the heat trying to come through, which is perfect for those super hot days in Summer.
Are you convinced it’s time to call a proper landscaping company? Luckily for you, we’re right around the corner. Call us for help with your yard this year!