The roof to any home or public building is very important, since it keeps out the elements such as sun, rain, and wind, and it also helps the building regulate its climate control. A house may leak a lot of warm or cool air not only through its walls, but also the roof if the insulation there is thin or missing. Sometimes, a roof may suffer from repair issues, and a homeowner may want professional, free roof inspection done to check for any issues. Local roofers may be contacted to do this work, and a residential roofing company may do all sorts of repairs after a free roof inspection. A responsible homeowner will know when it’s time for a professional free roof inspection, and be prepared to pay for repairs or even getting the entire roof replaced if need be. What might happen?
Why A Free Roof Inspection is Needed
A home’s roof may suffer all sorts of mechanical issues, and some of them may be more obvious than others. Among the most obvious roof repair issues is damage done by storms, and hurricanes, hail, and tornadoes may damage a roof or blow it off entirely. Large hail can strike the roof and damage or remove tiles, and hail might also create cracks or holes in the roof that allow water to leak in. And of course, someone who lives in a storm-prone area will be prepared to face serious storm damage. A home on the Florida coast, for example, will be prepared for strong winds that may blow off shingles or the entire roof, and the same is true for a home in Tornado Alley.
Other damage may be more subtle but no less harmful. For example, squirrels may chew their way into the roof from the outside, and these rodents will build nests in the air ducts and also chew on plastic pipes and electrical wires in the roof. This causes all sorts of repair issues, and squirrel holes will allow rain water to get into the roof. This water, in turn, might rot and expand the wood in the attic. And in general, leaks from cracks or holes in the roof will cause all sorts of damage in the attic itself and beyond. Leaking rain water may also seep deeper into the home and damage drywall, creating ugly stains on it. This calls for drywall repair in addition to roof repair work. What is more, leaking water may foster mold growth and also short out electrical components in the roof (calling for even more repairs). Leaking water may pool onto the lowest floor in the home, and standing water may damage furniture or cause mold growth. And in some cases, a clogged gutter will impede water flow during rain and allow too much rain water to pool on the roof. This heavy water may leak through even the smallest cracks or holes.
Proper Roof Repairs
A responsible homeowner will get his or her roof checked every year or even once every six months. They may look online for free roof inspection services in their area, and specify their town or city or even use their ZIP code to find something local. During a free roof inspection, the workers will diagnose issues such as squirrel intrusions, cracks and holes, missing tiles, and more. This, in turn, allows the homeowner to ask for specific repairs later.
Clogged gutters may be cleared out or even replaced, and roofers may first remove intruding squirrels and their nests, then seal the holes and apply paint that repels squirrels. Meanwhile, roofers will replace damaged or missing tiles to restore the roof’s shingle formations, and they may also use liquid rubber or other sealant to seal up even the smallest cracks or holes. This can also help prevent leaks from developing in the future, and something similar may be done for wooden decks.
If a roof is badly damaged or very old, it may be more cost-effective to have the entire roof replaced. This can save the homeowner some money and hassle later on, and a new roof will be free of repair issues early on. They may even get a metal roof fitted on, and metal roofs are very tough and price efficient to have installed.