Is your fluorescent lighting beginning to go? Are you tired of always fixing it and getting nowhere with those heavy bulbs that need to be replaced more frequently than they’re worth? Could induction lighting be a better alternative to everything that you’ve dealt with in the path? If any of this sounds like it would benefit your building or your business perhaps it’s time to take a look into alternative lighting and start to measure up your options on fixing your lights and getting everything back in ship shape. Let’s break it down and take a look at this type of lighting so that you can compare it to what you have going on already shall we?
What is induction lighting?
Induction lighting is a lighting type that has been around for well over 100 years. It is best used in commercial and municipal uses and is often used throughout Asia, Europe, and Australia and is just beginning to come to American cities as street lighting as well. These changes in lighting are well over do. You see, induction lighting is quite similar to florescent lighting, where mercury is within a glass bulb with glows with UV rays when electricity is turned on and brought to it. Unlike florescent lighting, there are no uses for electrodes inside of these bulbs and therefor they are a bit easier to keep lit.
What does lumen maintenance mean?
Lumen maintenance is the remaining percentage of output that that a LED bulb is giving off. This means that lumen maintenance simply means that it is the measurement of the amount of light a bulb has in the very beginning its life as compared to what it has near the end of its life. Lumen maintenance is a good way of checking to see when you’re lighting is beginning to die and in need of replacement, it is also the reason that these LED lighting is not always preferable in large spaces and why induction lighting could be your best bet in large area lighting for all of your future projects.
The life time of a florescent bulb is only about 20,000 hours, this is not very long in the grand scheme most places such as car parks and street lights need to be on. When it comes to LEDs they last roughly 50,000 hours which is a very large increase from those bulbs that you currently have in all of your parking garages and large businesses. Reducing your risk of replacing these bulbs and the frustrations of them going out more often than not perhaps it is time to consider a change in your typical bulbs and time to introduce and new type of lighting. That will literally change the way that you’ve been seeing everything around you for quite awhile now.
Did you know that most of your energy bill very often comes down to being the price that you are paying for lighting your home? In fact, studies have shown that if you switch to LED bulbs you could potentially reduce your lighting bills by almost 50%. Imagine if everyone were to do that? The amount of money and energy that would be both conserved and saved could be repurposed and regenerated into the very slow economy to build back up some of the points that we’ve lost over the years.
If you have a building that you know could use some new lighting fixtures and a better sort of lighting system than perhaps you should get right to looking into alternative options in lighting your big areas that will save you money and simply give you a better lighting option than anything that you are dealing with already. Save some money in your pocket today by switching up your lighting game and getting to know the type of lighting that your business is running today.
Switch your lights, it will be worth it in the long run to assure your entire community that you’re doing the best you can possibly do for all of your light needs.