Bamboo flooring is a wonderful eco-friendly material that can make your home that much more environmentally conscious. It has a beautiful and natural look that will enhance your home while being kind to Earth. It’s a wonderful choice for people who want their home to look great without creating waste.
However, there are some things to consider when it comes to using this material. If you plan to do it on your own you will want to brush up on how to install bamboo flooring, and you will also need to think about how to care for it. It’s not like other types of wood floors and requires some extra care.
Tips for Installing Bamboo Flooring
When it comes to installation there are a couple of things to consider, one of those being that bamboo is more susceptible to moisture than other kinds of flooring. You will want to be sure to check your base for moisture and make sure to dry up any that you find before laying the bamboo panels down.
It also wise to consider that because bamboo is a natural material, the panels are going to vary in shades. If you’re concerned about creating a pattern with this varying shades then you should sort the panels before laying them down. This will make it easier to find the shade you need and create a look that you’re pleased with. If you’re unsure how to install bamboo flooring you can have a professional lay it for you.
Tips for Maintaining Your Floor
There a couple of things to think about when it comes to maintaining bamboo wood flooring. One is its sensitivity to moisture. You can combat this by using a bamboo sealant to keep wetness from penetrating the panels. There are also cleaning sprays created specifically for this kind of flooring that is used in place of wet-mopping. Promptly cleaning up and absorbing spills with paper towels also helps.
Also, these types of floors cannot be sanded down and refinished like regular wood floors so you want to treat them with care. It helps to put rugs down in areas where your family gathers regularly, and a sealant can help protect them from damage as well.
Caring for bamboo floors take a little extra consideration, but it’s worth it in the end thanks to how eco-friendly and visually appealing they are.