Most homeowners are wary of equipping their home with a new technology, especially one that involves making major changes to the house. However, more and more homeowners are touting the benefits of having a home solar energy system and the number of solar energy advantages there are. Here are three major benefits of equipping a home with a residential solar energy system.
1. It cuts down on utility bills.
Though there is an installation fee for a solar energy system, homeowners typically see savings in their utility bills each month. Since solar panels capture and convert the energy from the sun (which is free) for residential use, homeowners aren’t actually paying for a portion of the energy they use. The amount of savings homeowners see can vary depending on a few factors, but not being dependent on the electric company will definitely save money in the long run.
2. It’s a feel-good technology.
Another one of the major solar energy advantages is that it’s a feel good technology. Besides saving money on utilities and improving the overall value of the house, a homeowner can also feel good about doing his or her part to help reduce the use of fossil fuels and be a part of the general shift to renewable energy sources in the United States.
3. It contributes to a growing sector of the economy.
Aside from personal savings and contributing to the eco-consciousness in America, another advantage of residential solar systems and solar energy use is that it’s a quickly growing sector of the American economy. In 2014, the solar industry saw an increase in the number of workers that was 20% higher than employment totals overall. There are now 174,000 solar workers in the U.S., a number that will undoubtedly grow as quickly as the industry itself.
Have you been thinking about investing in solar energy for your home? Feel free to share your thoughts with us by joining the discussion in the comments section below.