If dealing with household leaks is an item that keeps getting shoved farther down your to-do list, today is the day to finally do something about it. While a leak may seem like a small annoyance, that steady drip is wasting water, costing you money, and could easily be fixed with a call to a 24 hour plumbing service. These startling facts should motivate you to make the call and finally make your household leak-free.
You’re Wasting Tons of Water
Did you ever wonder how much water your leaks are wasting? On average, a household’s leaks can amount to over 10,00 gallons of wasted water each year. That is the same as doing 270 unnecessary loads of laundry. One faucet alone dripping steadily each second can waste over 3,000 gallons per year. Now multiply that by all the plumbing fixtures in a typical household. It really adds up. It’s not just faucets either. Studies show that between 20% and 35% of all household toilets have a leaking problem.
Save Your Money
You might think that ignoring your household’s plumbing problems is saving you the money it would cost to call a plumbing service. However, a call to fix simple household leaks could save you around 10% on your water bill each year. Spending the money now to fix your clogged or plugged drains and leaks can help you save on costs from damages later on. While it might just be a leak now, letting a plumbing problem go unresolved could lead to serious repairs that are time-consuming and expensive. Save yourself the headache of dealing with rusted-out or burst pipes, bacteria, or damage to the foundation of your house before they occur and before these issues cost you thousands of dollars.
24 Hour Plumbing Service Makes it Easy to Fix
While your plumbing problems may be overwhelming to fix on your own, 24 hour plumbing service can help with emergency plumbing problems and routine fixes. Check your area to see what plumbing solutions are available. 24 hour plumbers can help with routine maintenance, drainage solutions, sewer repair, and more. Don’t let your plumbing problems stay on the back burner, be proactive in saying goodbye to the days of tuning out the drip, drip.
Have you used a 24 hour plumbing service before? Share your comments on the experience.