Investing in a boat or a nice car for many people is something they have been dreaming about their whole lives. When investing in your new toy, it is important to come up with a way to protect. If you are keeping your boat, recreational vehicle or sports car, check out metal garages.
An early name for carports, which never stuck, was “auto space,” suggested by a Minnesota architectural firm. A carport is a covered structure used to offer limited protection to vehicles, primarily cars, from the elements. Carports offer less protection than garages but allow for more ventilation. The structure can either be free standing or attached to a wall. Unlike most structures a carport does not have four walls, and usually has one or two.
Carports can offer your vehicles protection from a variety of elements. UV damage, wind, snow and hail are some of the greatest threats to the value of an RV or boat that is stored out in the open. Particularly since recreational boating often takes place in sunny climates, UV damage is a serious threat to boats.
The earliest known piece of steel dates back 4,000 years, and was discovered during an archaeological dig in Anatolia. If you are taking down your carport, make sure to participate in a local metal recycling program. Every year, America recycles more steel than plastic, paper, aluminum and glass combined.
Metal garages or carports can be perfect if you want to keep your boat or RV safe from the elements. Whether you are interested in steel carports or metal carports, you can find one that will allow you to safely store your possessions. Look at your options and you will get even more out of your investment.