Water is life. There?s no denying it. And each day Americans use around 100 gallons of water and in an average year every American home uses even more than that. More than 15 million U.S. homes regularly depend on private ground water wells for their household water use. Obviously we?re a nation that still very much runs on private wells and ground water.
Humans have been employing wells to get water for more than ten thousand years, but it was only about a hundred years ago that wells mostly stopped being dug by hand. Most of today?s wells are drilled, requiring companies with well drilling services and complicated and costly drilling rigs. Drill rigs can be seen mounted on big trucks and use rotary drill bits to chew away at and smash the rock or if the ground is soft, larger auger bits. That?s not something you can DIY; you want to get the best well digging services around. You want a company that not only knows how to drill wells, but how to use water well sealing to maintain your water?s purity and health.
Only about 1% of all the planet?s water can be used for our many needs. The rest is either frozen in ice caps or too salty and not potable. If you use ground water from a private well (ground water is used in all private wells), you want to make certain your well is properly constructed by water well sealing the space between the casing and the side of the drilled hole. If there is no water well sealing, that space can provide a path from the surface to the ground water below at a very rapid rate compared to slow seepage through undisturbed soil. Without water well sealing that space, bacteria and other impurities may be introduced into the ground water.
Once well digging services are concluded, it is the responsibility of the well owner to maintain it so that it disallows the entry of surface water or other foreign matter that is likely to contaminate the well and the aquifer. Water well sealing is the solution to this issue.
You have your very own well with crisp clean water. Keep it that way with water well sealing. And as long as you’re having work done, why not put in some water storage tanks, just to be safe?