If you’re like anyone else in the United States, you’re probably wondering about how you can limit your carbon footprint for the future. Many who are attuned to environmental issues often refer to the green movement, and they can help you suggest ways of going green at home. Going “green” in this case refers to finding ways to reduce land pollution by recycling at home. It also involves using and purchasing products that don’t negatively impact our environment and limiting the amount of resources we consume.
If you’re looking for some simple ways to start going green at home, you’re in the right place! Here are some easy going green tips for the home:
1. Recycle If you haven’t been recycling already, now is the time to start. Utilizing home recycling bins is a great way to sort trash from reusable materials, such as paper, cardboard, plastics, metals, and glass. Local recycling companies typically have affordable rates to make saving the environment easy.
2. Conserve water Water conservation is important because it cuts down on the amount of clean water wasted. Because some parts of the world have difficulty accessing clean water, saving water at home can help to cut down on water pollution and water wasted. Some easy ways to conserve water include limiting your shower time, only using water to rinse hands while washing them, and not running water while brushing your teeth. Be careful using water outside the home, too; don’t overdo it on water guns and water balloons in the summer, and let the rain water your plants rather than using the hose.
3. Reduce, Reuse, and Repurpose In order to cut down on the amount of waste that winds up in our landfills, it’s important to choose products that can be recycled when you shop. And if you don’t actually need to replace something, then don’t. If you don’t need something any more, find out if you can recycle it or donate it. Also, look around your home for items that can be reused or even upcycled — that is, made nicer when you repurpose it. Examples include turning glass jars into decorative flower vases, or using recycled textiles to make a new garment or accessory.
There are plenty of other ways of going green at home that are cheap and easy, but these three are an excellent start for the “green” novice. Want more suggestions (or have more to offer)? Leave a comment below!