When you have a lot of garbage that needs to be taken, it may be too large an amount for your local municipal garbage service to pick up. When that happens, there are a lot of businesses that you can go to in order to pick up your trash. If you need a residential trash removal service, there are several companies that specialize in this. They can do big trash bag pick up or other big waste removals. When you hire a company to do bulk refuse collection, it can work in a number of different ways.
The bulky item pick-up service can pick up large items and take them out of your home in order to dispose of them. Or, you can remove the items from your home that you want to go and have the company load up their truck. Many of the trash removal companies charge for these services based on how much of their truck your trash takes up. They do not weigh the refuse, instead, they have the truck divided into different quadrants, and they charge for how much your trash takes up. This can be a quick way to get rid of items large and small.
We all remember sitting in elementary school — or maybe being at home — and being told about the “3 Rs” of basic education. Those three are, of course: “reading, writing, and arithmetic” (told to us at the time as ‘rithmetic”). We all remember feeling like there was something just slightly off about that, but not quite knowing exactly what. It wasn’t until a little while later — perhaps even after using those three Rs in real life — that we realized that only one of them actually starts with an R.
After that general realization hit everyone, the term “The 3 Rs” has been re-purposed to have a few meanings. You’ll still finding “reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic” up there, but perhaps the best version is in reference to waste management.
- Reduce. The first of the three Rs is “reduce your waste.” On average, Americans throw away 600 times their adult weight in trash during their lives. Every day, over four pounds of trash are created by the average person. To reduce your waste, cut down on things that get thrown away. Use cloth napkins that can be washed instead of paper napkins, avoid paper plates or cups, and purchase items in bulk. Also, while they may be more fun to look at, avoid the flashier items — typically, they use several materials that will just get thrown away and do more harm to the environment. Reducing waste will both help the environment and make garbage pickup significantly easier.
- Reuse. The second R is for “reusing.” A lot of this branches off of the “reduce” step. Save up plastic shopping bags rather than throw them out, or use washable dishes rather than ones that get thrown out, etc. Essentially, if it isn’t something that needs to be destroyed or thrown away after each use, don’t destroy it or throw it away. As with reducing, this will significantly improve garbage pickup and environmental healthiness.
- Recycle. Finally, the third R is for “recycling.” Not everything gets thrown into a garbage. Many products can be recycled — remade into either a similar or wholly new product. If you’re unsure about if something is recyclable, look for the recycling symbol on the item — it looks like a triangle made of bent arrows.
Many waste management companies offer both garbage pickup and recycling services of some kind. Many grocery stores also have recycling centers for bottles and cans. So, when you hear of “the three Rs,” don’t think of “reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic, think of “reduce, reuse, recycle.” Not only will it make more sense, but it’ll help the environment.