Getting wood chips for playgrounds can be an enjoyable challenge. Regardless of the age of your children or those for whom you’re shopping, you can find a solution that gives you and them the options they need to have a great time. It’s not always about how quickly you can solve the problem. It’s often more about how well the problem is solved. This is certainly the case when buying wood chips for playgrounds. The “problem” is how to have safe, enjoyable fun, and the solution can come in various forms.
Think About Texture
The way wood chips for playgrounds feel makes a big difference when it comes to the overall experience of those who will be playing in them. The better they feel, the more enjoyment the kids will have. Even though kids may seem like they are ignoring some of the subtle textures of wood chips for playgrounds, in reality, their bodies and senses are constantly responding to whatever stimuli you provide. Giving them wood chips that have the right amount of softness, give, or springiness is going to make the experience far more enjoyable than if you had made a random decision.
For example, what are the kids going to be using the wood chips for? Are they going to only run through them on their way to another play spot? Are they going to be sitting in them and playing for a long time, even hours? Perhaps they are going to be using the woodchips, stacking them and forming small play structures. Think about what the chips will be used for, and then decide accordingly.
Safety First… and Second
There’s nothing as valuable as safety whenever you are buying wood chips for playgrounds. Think carefully about http://inhismind.net/ and the kinds of chips you will need. Which ones are going to give them the safer surface? For instance, if the kids are going to be jumping off the monkey bars and into the wood chips, which ones are going to provide the best absorption of their kinetic energy? Cedar chips may do the trick, but you will have to feel them, step on them, and even hop on them yourself to make sure they can give the kids what they need.
Don’t underestimate the value of choosing the safest option for the landscape you’re going to be dealing with as well. Sloped landscapes will need chips that are less likely to wash away during a significant storm. Areas where water can pool can cause the chips to float up and away from the area, given enough water. Also, the wind may blow them away regardless of how much water is there to make them float, so you may want to consider installing a barrier to help contain the wood chips.
Install Them Correctly
The chips are only going to be as good as their installation. Bark blowing is one way of getting the chips in place. You can have a professional bring a bark blower and then use it to get the chips in the right area. Then you can give them a more careful spread by hand. Bark blowers in Portland are a good option for doing the vast majority of the work. If you need extra help putting them in place, feel free to reach out to some of the parents of the kids that will be involved to ask if the kids want to “chip” in.
If the playground is for your personal home, get our kids involved. Get their opinions about the kinds of chips. For more info visit https://www.sandiegobk.com/. You can even take this as an opportunity to teach them about where wood chips come from and why they have the colors and textures they do. The more immersive the experience, the better it will feel for all involved.
No matter what kinds of wood chips you decide on, you’re going to have a good time with them as long as they provide a safe play environment, have the right feel, and are installed properly. If you take all of these factors into consideration, and get the kids involved in putting the wood chips down, you will be well on your way to building an awesome play area. You may even want to jump in there yourself!