There are many times in life when it can be difficult to get to sleep, so it should come as no surprise that there are many people who are willing to make a substantial investment in getting a good night’s rest. In a time when more and more people are being extra careful about the medications that they take, however, there is a growing need for organic ways to get the necessary rest. In an effort, for instance, to avoid becoming addicted to any kind of sleeping pills, a number of people are exploring the benefits of investing in a home spa or hot tub to aid them in getting to sleep more easily.
There are more than 7.3 million hot tubs in the U.S., according to a study conducted by Pool and Spa Marketing. And while many of these spas are for recreational purposes, there are also many that are simply purchased in an effort to help get many nights of great rest. And while hot tub maintenance can sometimes be time consuming, it is time well spent that might help you regain your time after a good night’s rest.
There Are Many Benefits to Having a Hot Tub at Home
After exercise and before bed, a hot tub can provide great relief. In fact, instead of going to an expensive therapy center to use a hot tub, for instance, you can have your own spa at home to find this relaxation. Consider these facts and figures about the hot tub industry and the many medical benefits that they provide:
- A well-constructed and properly installed hot tub can last 20 years or more.
- Most hot tub users prefer a water temperature between 100 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Nearly 21 million U.S. households owned a spa, pool, or hot tubs as of the spring of 2014.
- 42% of hot tub owners indicate that they use their hot tub to bond with their family.
- 33.3% of hot tub owners indicated that they purchased their tub with the primary purpose of improving sleep.
- 22.4% of hot tub owners indicated that they purchased their tub with the primary purpose of recovering from an injury.
- 45% of hot tub owners prefer to take a soak right before bedtime.
- You only weigh 10% of your actual body weight in water, so your joints and muscles are relieved of the normal pressures exerted by gravity, which helps to ease pain.
If you are desperate for a way to get a good night’s sleep, you might consider investing in a home hot tub or spa. In addition to helping you get the rest that you need, a hot tub can also help people deal with pain from a recent injury or the every day aches that come with aging.