Whether you have a newly built home or have purchased an older home, no house is safe from the all-too destructive water. Whether one has a concrete foundation, stone, tile, or cinderblock walls, water will eventually get through to the interior of the basement and wreck havoc on personal possessions if preventative measures aren’t put in place.
An estimated 98% of basements will experience some sort of water damage throughout the life of the home. Basement water leaks are very common, and the ways they can occur vary greatly. Below is a list of issues that could result in basement water leaks.
Drainage Breakdown: Oftentimes an exterior footing drain could break down. If one part of the footing drain is clogged, this could result in the rest of the drain becoming backed up around the whole house. If the drain is clogged, water will then build up along the sides of the home and the water will be pressed into the basement through cracks.
Clogged Drain: This happens when mud and sticks enter the footing drain. Usually a footing drain will be covered with gravel to prevent mug and sticks from coming near the drain. There will also be a filter of cloth laid around the pipe. However, over time the cloth itself will clog with debris.
Clay Bowl Issue: After building a new home, the soil around the house will be much looser than the soil outside the excavation property. As a result, when this soil gets wet, the water has more freedom to roam wherever it wants. When the soil settles over time, the water will start to pool around the home because the ground is becoming more compact. Because of this the water pooled around the house will enter basement cracks.
Water Proofing Solutions:
- Repairing foundation leaks may be a bit more complicated that putting a band-aid over the cracks. One may need to opt for extensive excavation in order to repair exterior walls that may not have been built properly in the first place. During this process, a waterproof membrane will be applied over the bricks.
- Home waterproofing could be as easy and inexpensive as applying a baseboard systems. These systems have “weep holes” that are drilled into the floor Then, follow baseboard is attached to the floor. Once water applies pressure against the foundation walls, it is then directed into this system and drained into a sump pump. Submersible pumps can last anywhere from five to 15 years and are a great water to preventing basement floods.
- Basement water leaks can be prevented with various foundation repair techniques. One being waterproof coatings around the walls. If your foundation has cracks wider than one fourth of an inch wide, it might be take to take measures to fix the issue with basement sealant.
Always be sure to consult a professional when undergoing any massive basement repair projects, or simply call to get an estimate.