How Anyone Can Check Plumbing in Their Old House

The fact of the matter is that when you live in an older house, you’re likely to deal with a lot of problems. It could be anything, from doing consistent repair work to ensuring that your plumbing doesn’t get worse than it already is. But, you still won’t give up your home if you can still fix things.

If you want to bask in the uniqueness that your home gives you, you should make sure that you know a thing or two about fixing it. The thing is, if it ever gets badly damaged, you’ll have more problems on your hands. For instance, it’s difficult to find the same materials that were used to build your home. So, paying for repairs is something that you ought to be familiar with.

But, where do you start to look for any plumbing problems around your old house? Read on to find out how anyone can check the plumbing in their old house.

1. Look at your Old Fixtures

The thing is, if you compare your older fixtures to your newer ones, you’ll notice a few things. For instance, the former is made from better materials. Even though this is the case, it’s important to understand that the passing of time comes with inevitable consequences.

Your older fixtures will be prone to erosion and other problems. If you don’t get a handle on them sooner, you’ll live to regret it later. These are the kind of problems that you don’t want to deal with when you’re living in your older home.

In addition, you want to ensure that you avoid any larger-scale repairs on your fixtures. It’s always best to know where to look for the minor issues that have a tendency to escalate when left unchecked.

The tricky part about having older fixtures in your home is that they’ve likely been handled by a lot of plumbers along the way. Something as delicate as this requires you to be very careful when you’re thinking of fixing it. This is why getting your local plumbing services to have a look is a better option.

This should ensure that you get an accurate diagnosis of what could be wrong with your fixtures. Moreover, it saves you from making any mistakes that you’ll live to regret I’m the long run.

2. The Sewer Lines

Sometimes you’ll realize that the noises that you hear at night aren’t necessarily a sign that your house is about to fall apart. These can be a result of broken or cracked sewer lines. This is usually the root of many plumbing issues in your home.

Fortunately, nowadays, there are innovative ways to assess the damage in your sewer lines without getting your hands all the way dirty. A sewer camera inspection is an ideal and effortless way to see what type of mess you have in your sewer. In most cases, you’ll find that your sewer line isn’t even broken, but that you have a clogging problem to attend to.

The fact is that the main purpose of your sewer line is to move water from your basement drainage system towards the designated treatment plants. During this process, a lot of waste is transported.

The most common signs of a clogged sewer line are tree roots. Since your sewer lines are constantly wet, it can be difficult for you to see when something like a tree root is clogging it. It’s essential for you to know how to check your sewer lines correctly.

3. Check Shifting Pipes

You’d be surprised to find that there are pipes that are buried beneath your old house. Even when you’re aware of this fact, there’s something else that you’re likely unaware of. According to experts, these pipes can form what’s called pipe bellies. This happens when your pipes shift.

Usually, they do so in a downwards way. The main cause of the shifts that your pipes can be susceptible to is the gradual movement of your home over the years. The leading contributing factors to your house moving are erosion and extreme weather conditions due to global warming.

Sometimes, this can lead to damaged concrete slabs if the pipes underneath are encased in them. A slab leak repair may be necessary to avoid this issue. But first, the pipes would need to be returned to their original placement. Then, the slab can be repaired.

The following are useful tips for a slab leak repair.

  • Ensure that you get professionals to do a thorough inspection.
  • Look for any pop-outs and know how to measure them.
  • Opt for a concrete overlay.
  • Overfill any visible cracks.
  • Understand how curing your repairs works.

4. Assess Galvanized Piping

Was your home built around the 60s? There’s a high chance that you have galvanized piping since it’s a very common type of piping for these homes. If you know your plumbing history, you’ll understand the intricacy of this process of plumbing.

If you don’t, you’re not alone. This is why you should have a better understanding of how this piping differs from what you’re used to. In simple terms, galvanized piping refers to a process where Zinc coating is applied to steel pipes. It’s a protective process used to reduce any rusting on your pipes.

Back in the day, this was a common thing done to pipes. In fact, it gave them a life expectancy of up to 50 years. But, it does have its disadvantages. For instance, corrosion from the inside out is a common issue.

Have you noticed any issues with your water pressure? In other instances, there may be discoloration in your water supply. These signs are warning you of potential risks of leaks that can damage more than you’ve bargained for.

If you’ve had boiler installations done with galvanized piping, you should know these preventative tips to ensure that you don’t face any problems.

5. City Lead Water Service Lines

Did you know that your city uses lead service lines? Since your home likely has galvanized piping, then these service lines can be a major issue. The fact is that these service lines are essential to bringing water from the city into your home.

However, if these pipes are having issues that need to be fixed, there is an awful amount of lead that can appear in the water in your home. This means that your galvanized pipes can be heavily affected by this lead load. Imagine the lead mixing with any bits of corrosive piping in your home. This can cause a lot of problems.

The main issue that you’ll stumble on is your water getting contaminated. Studies suggest that nearly 2% of the water supply in the U.S. is contaminated. If you want to avoid these issues, it’s essential to enlist the aid of plumbing services to help you deal with any potential water contamination issues.

But, it’s equally important for you to ensure that you know practical ways to deal with any water contamination if it has already found its way to your piping system. The following home fixes can help you.

  • Boil your water before drinking it.
  • Filter it with a clean cloth or buy filters.
  • Disinfect it with unscented chlorine bleach.
  • Treat it with household iodine.
  • Use water disinfection tablets.
  • Install a water filtration system.

6. Clean your Drain

When you’re looking for the main problems that could easily affect the plumbing in your old house, your drain should be your first stop. There are many things that you throw in your drain. Moreover, you hardly ever take note of what goes in there.

Yet, there are many things that can end up affecting your drainage system. If your home has been standing for more than 30 years, you can only imagine the kind of dirty water and scum that can take its toll on your drain. This isn’t only limited to your kitchen drain. Your bathroom and toilet drains are also major culprits.

Additionally, if this is a home that you bought from someone else, you won’t know what they chucked down their drain before you came along. If calling drain cleaning services isn’t what you want to do, you can always consider making your drain cleaners in the comfort of your home.

These are the 5 most common and easy drain cleaners that you can make.

  1. Baking soda and lemon juice.
  2. Baking soda and vinegar.
  3. Baking soda, salt, and cream of tartar.
  4. Borax, salt, and vinegar.
  5. Baking soda and salt.

If any of these home drain cleaners don’t work, then it’s time for you to call someone who knows how to conduct professional home inspections on your drain. It’s very important to find out what the main issue is before it gets worse.

In fact, it’s common that your home has had a buildup of debris that has collected over the years. If this is what you’re dealing with, it’s essential to find an effective way to fix it as soon as you can by contacting basement drainage system professionals as soon as possible.

7. Polybutylene Plumbing

Back in the 70s, this type of piping was commonly used. It wasn’t until the 90s when the building codes were changed that it wasn’t used anymore. The thing about this type of plumbing is that it can react very poorly to any oxidants that are found in your water.

Over time these pipes will break down. As a result, this can lead to your entire plumbing system failing. This is why you should know what type of pipes you have in your home. Getting your hands on your home’s plumbing history is a good idea. This can make it less of a challenge for you in the long run.

If you have to use oxidants in your water system, it’s best to wait until you have a report from your plumbing services provider. In certain cases, you might have to budget for a replacement for your entire system. If this is what’s suggested, you should ensure that you have set a budget for it.

If you have to plan for a new plumbing system, these are some considerations that you should make.

  • Get your plumbing permits from the city. When you don’t do this, you can get into serious trouble for contravening building codes in your city.
  • You should consider what your plumbing needs are. Will the system that you install work with the rest if your plumbing system? Consider the future more than anything else.
  • For easier maintenance, it’s crucial for you to centralize your entire system. This means installing some appliances together.
  • Water softeners can help reduce most of your water supply issues. This should help you save money in the future.
  • Have a wet wall installed to house your main water systems. It should make it easier to maintain or repair any issues that can arise.
  • Consider the amount of water access that you need in your home.

In summary, if you live in a home that’s older, it’s always important for you to ensure that you know how to do basic inspections. Additionally, it’s recommended for you to not always rely on professionals to fix things in your home. A great deal of research can go a long way to help you manage your home. If you suspect that there are issues in your home, it’s always advisable for you to be safer than sorry.

There’s nothing like a clean bill of health in your home to give you peace of mind. In most instances, it’s difficult to replace most materials in your older home since it’s a challenge to find them anywhere. This is why a great deal of maintenance can go a long way. Make sure to use this effective guide to ensure that you avoid any issues and make the most out of managing your home’s wellbeing.

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