The plumbing industry employs 715,387 U.S. men and women — and with good reason. Oftentimes, plumbing problems do not just go away, and relatively minor inconveniences can turn into much larger problems over time. Here are a few plumbing troubles that shouldn’t go unchecked.
Your Toilet Stinks — Even After Rigorous Cleaning
No one ever wants to call a professional because their toilet is emitting noxious odors on the regular. While understandable, if fumes won’t quit with proper ventilation and thorough cleaning, you may have a big problem on your hands. According to plumbing experts, stubborn fumes could be anything from a small plumbing leak to a serious septic system problems. If it’s your toilet tank leaking, dirty water may be escaping back into the tank or toilet — even after you flush. If it’s a greater issue with your septic sewer system, you may have sewer gas leaking back into your home. These gases contain a lot of bacteria and germs, and these things can be potentially harmful. If you need to clean your septic tank or if you suspect that persistent smells may be sewer fumes, contact a professional.
The Toilet Constantly Overflows
This is another problem that may be embarrassing to bring to other people’s attention, even if it is the plumber — but you have to do it. Plumbers are accustomed to more than just leak detection services, and they can help you finally put an end to your constantly clogged toilet. Keep in mind that relatively innocent actions, like flushing cigarette butts, coffee grounds, facial tissues, cat litter, and tampons, may cause toilets to clog. If your toilet has especially low water pressure, purchase thin, single ply toilet paper and avoid flushing other paper products and items whenever possible.
Professionals contend with a lot more than leak detection services, and they can help you even if your problems involve smelly bathrooms and an ever-overflowing toilet. This is a great source for more.