Every morning when you wake up, do you look around your room and lament the flaking wallpaper and the drab carpet? Do you sit on your raggedy old couch, feeling disgusted about the state of your living room? Sounds like it’s time to find an interior designer.
Streamline Your Search for a Home Interior Layout Designer with These Simple Tips
- Make Sure You Hire Home Interior Designers, Not Decorators
- Know Their Minimum Budget
- Look for Somebody with the Education and the Accreditation
- Decide How Much Input You Want to Have
As Fox News suggests, you need to be sure that whomever you hire is actually a home interior layout designer, not a decorator. As the source writes, the terms “designer” and “decorator” are often used interchangeably, but true decorators don’t do any design work. Rather, they just help spruce your place up with new decorations. Asking for a copy of their certification will help you determine whether people are actually home interior layout designers.
Ask your local interior designers why they do what they do and they’re bound to tell you that they have a passion for design. While that’s undoubtedly true, they also do it to make a living. Subsequently, as The Washington Post writes, many designers will only take on projects that meet their minimum budget. Knowing how much you can spend on your reno can save both you and your designer a lot of wasted time.
It’s perfectly possible for a self taught designer to be fantastic at what they do, but if you want to be certain a designer has what it takes to completely transform your home, you really need to look for someone with a degree in design and their licensing, as Angie’s List writes. A designer who was specifically instructed in the art and techniques of design will be a lot more likely to be able to give you what you want.
Finding a designer you can successfully work with is often a matter of knowing yourself. Not every designer wants to take clients who want full input on the process — too many cooks in the kitchen and all that. As HomePortolio suggests, being honest with yourself can help you avoid an expensive, combative experience.
Are you an interior home designer? What suggestions would you offer for people who aren’t sure how to choose an interior designer for homes? Let us know in the comment section below. Helpful info also found here.