President Trump.
Fired FBI Director Comey.
Russian intervention.
Healthcare fights.
Upcoming elections.
Government leaks.
News pundits debating and commenting on all of these people and topics. Nonstop. All day long.
Is it any wonder that there are Americans who want to leave this madness, go off the grid, and live a more peaceful life where they do not have to deal with the madness that is today’s political madness in this country?
Although most people think of large corporations, public healthcare providers, and industrial warehouses when they hear about generator services, the reality is that many individuals also find their own uses for different kinds of residential generators.
Both for commercial or residential purposes, the generator services industry is important. Commercial generators keep refrigerators running in the event of a major power outage and residential generator installation provides home owners access to power when it is needed. In both cases, generator preventative maintenance knowledge is important.
For many, the main reason for having an onsite generator is to help generate heat in the winter and cooling in the summer if a power outage occurs. As indicated by the following statistics, we are a nation that relies on heating and cooling equipment to keep us safe and comfortable. When these systems fail because of an electrical outage, generator services can be a reliable resource.
- Air conditioners consume nearly 5% of all the electricity produced in the U.S.
- 66% of all homes in America have air conditioners.
- Air conditioners cost U.S. homeowners more than $11 billion each year, and regular maintenance can keep your air conditioner running efficiently.
- Switching to high-efficiency air conditioners as well as implementing other practices to keep a home cool could reduce energy use for air conditioning by as much as 20% to 50%.
- A programmable thermostat can save energy consumers nearly $180 every year in energy costs by through proper use of pre-programmed settings, like dialing down the heat temperature setting over night or when no one is in the house.
- Insulating and sealing ducts can serve to improve the efficiency of both residential and commercial heating and cooling systems. In residences, this extra insulation and sealing efforts can reduce the energy costs by as much as 20%, and sometimes even more.